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Speaker/Listener/Resolution Review Cards

How to use Speak/Listener/Resolution Review Cards


Below is the Speaker/Listener/Resolution (SLR) review card.  It is a tool that will help you and your partner navigate difficult conversations with care and respect.


Go ahead and print-out six copies of the SLR Review card.  Trim off excess white space by cutting on the hash lines provided.  Then fold in half as noted. Keep one card in your wallet, one in the visor of your car, and one, in a convenient place in your home. Your spouse needs to do the same, hence the reason for six cards.


The idea is this: When you know you are going to embark on a difficult, potentially heated, conversation, a review card will (hopefully) be nearby to help guide you to a productive and respectful resolution. Review the Speaker/Listener/Resolution method (see button below) that partners with the SLR cards.

Speaker Listener Review Cards.jpg

Download Speaker/Listener/Resolution Review Cards Here

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