What Is A STRONG Marriage?
What Is A Perfect Marriage? This is a trick question, with an easy answer: there is not a perfect marriage that exists. Seriously. You may think you have a perfect marriage, but if you dig deep there are flaws. It is these failings, small or large, that make us human. You may think your best friend or neighbor has a perfect marriage. They don’t. They may espouse how thoughtful and wonderful their life is, but I guarantee you it’s not perfect. You see, friends and people close to you edit or filter their lives. By this I mean, they tell you what they want you to hear and hide the flaws. In essence, they are not telling you the entire story. Some have mastered the skill of outwardly smiling, while crying on the inside.
“Perfect” marriages are a myth, they don’t exist.
“Strong” relationships are built on Sacrifice, Trust, Respect, Romance, and Grace.
So, don’t begin a marriage or challenge a relationship with the goal of wanting it to be perfect. You will fail. Instead, build a relationship that is STRONG. Don’t be scared. Open your mind. Let’s learn to build strong marriages!